Annual Meeting Notice

We will be having an annual meeting of the Whisper Meadow Home Owners Association on Thursday January 9th at 7:00 PM at the Mahomet United Methodist Church at 1302 East South Mahomet Road.

The primary purpose of the meeting will be a vote to ratify our HOA by-laws, and that vote will be conducted online through a service called, as well as in-person at the annual meeting. The online vote will open at approximately noon on January 2nd and voting will be allowed until we close the election at the annual meeting to take a tally. We will also have updates on finances, the pond, and landscaping.

With the vote email you will receive a link to the proposed by-laws for your review. I will also send out a link with another message on Thursday morning. To ratify our initial by-laws, we will need a yes vote by a simple majority of members of the HOA. There is one member vote per lot. You will receive an email with voting instructions from ElectionRunner on Thursday January 2nd around noon, and will be able to submit your vote any time until we close the vote at the annual meeting. If you prefer to vote in person at the meeting a tablet computer and assistance will be available.

We invite you to join us at the meeting as well as voting online since the vote will be rendered failed if we do not achieve quorum at the annual meeting. If you think that your email address needs to be updated, please submit the information update form.

Our thanks to MUMC and Rev. Lori Harvey for allowing the use of the church for this meeting as well as our regular board meetings!

Please email any questions to []( We hope to see you participate in the vote and attend the annual meeting.

Happy New Year!

Darren McLaughlin
VP Whisper Meadow HOA